In sport, one of the most important factors is muscle performance. During intensive training, mountain climbing or assisted activity, muscles use electrolytes to initiate contraction and fibre relaxation, which, combined with intense sweating, significantly depletes internal stores of these elements. Externally supplied electrolytes come to the rescue to provide an optimal environment for the muscles to work and thus support our exercise capacity.
- 300mg potassium – Superior potassium concentration, vital for maintaining proper cellular osmolarity, crucial for optimal nerve transmission and muscle contractions.
- Deep hydration – Enhances water absorption at the cellular level, facilitating superior hydration and electrolyte balance for peak performance.
- Improved heart health – Helps regulate blood pressure and supports proper functioning of the cardiac muscle, promoting overall cardiovascular health.
- Reduce fatigue – Ensures efficient energy production within cells and preventing the build-up of lactic acid, allowing for sustained physical activity and mental alertness.
Your body is a water environment. Every time you sweat, you lose water and with it valuable minerals. It is the balance of minerals such as magnesium and potassium that creates the right environment for proper muscle function and translates into our physical performance.
According to research, as little as a 2% decrease in hydration and electrolytes results in an approx. 10% decrease in the body’s exercise capacity. For this reason, electrolyte supplementation is advisable for people with increased physical activity.
Take care of the right electrolyte balance and maintain optimal mental and physical state during an intensive training session, mountain hike or sporting activity.
Magnesium is an element whose effects are difficult to overestimate. It participates in approximately 300 biochemical processes in our body and influences many of its systems. It supports the correct functioning of muscles and the nervous system, which is particularly important in the context of exercise capacity. It also reduces the feeling of fatigue, allowing you to adapt even better to tough challenges.
Potassium is one of the most important elements found in our body. It is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system and is essential in the cycles in which our cells produce energy. It helps to recharge our cellular batteries. For this reason, it ranks first in our electrolyte mix. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure and controls muscle function.
Calcium is a building material for the skeleton, teeth and cell walls. It contributes to the normal energy metabolism and influences digestive enzymes to ensure their proper function.